Thursday, December 31, 2009

I didnt want to be so typical, but i couldnt help it LOL.

Of course, everyone knows the new year is comming up... I cant lie, i have managed to pack back on 11 lbs after stabilizing around 230 for about 4 months...after magically fitting back into my pre-pregnancy jeans for a few months i put them on today and i cant even zip them.. As all of you know.. my original goal was to hit 190 lbs by today (December 31, 2009) and im weighing in at 241 lbs. I cant lie, i do feel like a bit of a failure.. but overall, this was the first year where i actually managed to LOSE WEIGHT! i showed myself that I CAN DO IT. So with that said, im going into 2010 with a new outlook on this entire thing. Im so ready and determined to meet that goal.

So here goes..

Current Weight - 240 lbs

Waist - 40 inches
Around belly button - 47 inches
Bust - 42 inches
Arms - 15 1/4 inches
Neck - 14 inches

Goal measurements:
Waist - 32 inches
Around Belly Button - 39 inches
Bust - 36 inches
Arms - 12 inches
Neck - 12 inches

1st goal:
21st Birthday (2/24/10): 220 lbs

babys 2nd bday (6/25/10): onederland!!