Sunday, January 24, 2010

Food Plans (Jan 25th - 27th)

Monday 1/25
Breakfast - Maple & Brown Sugar oatmeal, water
Lunch - turkey & mashed potatos smart ones, apple, water
Dinner - salad, pudding, water

Tuesday 1/26
Breakfast - apples & cinnamon oatmeal, water
Lunch - lean cuisine, fruit cup, banana, water
Dinner - steak, salad, jello, water

Wednesday 1/27
Breakfast - fruit salad, water
Lunch - salad, pudding, water
Dinner lean cuisine, atkins shake

Water - minimum of 1 1/2 liters a day

if i have my meals planned out in advance, i think im more likely to stick to this plan.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

i suck. end of story

im getting rid of the scale.... im getting rid of the oreos. i wish we hadnt ordered pizza tonight... if my parents didnt pay for that i'd be getting rid of that too.


i need to fix my enviornment for once and for all if im ever going to be successful with this. I'm only hurting myself by not getting my shit together. I NEED TO STOP BEING SO LAZY and just DO IT!

i think before i go to sleep tonight im going to throw away all my junk food. Tomorrow morning i'll go to the food store and restock up on the healthy things i need to be eating.

by feb 3rd i will be signed up at Planet Fitness. IM GOING TO DO THIS for once and for all damnit!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

jan 5th..235 lbs

okay so after staying at 236 for like two days, i finally hit 235 lbs woot. 36 lbs to go before i hit my onederland goal.

i must admit, i cheated today... i ate 2 pieces of pizza and it was good. i was craving it SO BAD so i allowed myself to have it.

breakfast: nothing
lunch: lean cuisine & atkins protein shake
dinner: 2 pieces of pizza

tomorrow im back on track.

Monday, January 4, 2010

236 still.

im still at 236. :(

breakfast: nothing.
lunch: lean cuisine with atkins shake
dinner: ??

i need to be drinking more water.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 3 - 236 lbs!


woot woot. I hope i can get down to the 220's before the weight loss starts to slow down. That was my big issue last time, i would always fluctuate between like 228-230 lbs, then i just fell completely off track. i hope this doesnt happen to me again. today i need to go grocery shopping. i need some atkins shakes and lean cuisines for my lunch at school tomorrow. today i will probably eat at Panera Bread again.


LUNCH: grilled chicken bbq snack wrap
DINNER: romaine lettuce, cucumber, grilled chicken, croutons and fat free italian dressing.

I hope that in the process of losing these last 37 lbs that i dont lose focus at any point in this journey... im really scared that i will get discouraged if i see a gain, or no weight loss at all. for this reason im thinking about setting a strict scale schedule. I REALLY dont wanna become scale obsessed, but at the same time i want to make sure i stay on track. Sometimes seeing the numbers go down is all the instant gratification that i need. i just dont want it to backfire. :(

Saturday, January 2, 2010

DAY 2!! - 4 LBS!

i lost 4 lbs!! today i weighed in at 240 lbs. :) tomorrow im hoping to be in the 230's.

Im proud of myself for sticking with my plan yesterday, eating good and drinking a lot of water. Today i will try to do the same!


Breakfast: water water water
Lunch: turkey sandwhich
Dinner: atkins protein shake

tomorrow im going to try to eat more, but light at the same time...maybe some panera (turkey sandwhich and chicken caesar salad, bread) and an atkins shake.... if i get hungry i'll have some carrot and celery sticks.

Friday, January 1, 2010

January 1st!!

244 lbs.

dont know how i gained 3 lbs in one day, but it doesnt matter... this is my NEW DAY to start over. Im really excited, and READY to make some good changes. I think im going to go grocery shopping in a little while to get some healthy foods. I also want to buy some small containers so i can portion out my food correctly.

Other things i need to do:
MONDAY - go to Silhouettes and sign up for membership
- call stemross to make and appt
- send off information for student loans

Breakfast - water
Lunch - turkey sandwhich
Dinner- chicken caesar salad, bread w/ butter from panera.. 1/2 fruit & yogurt parfait

todays goal: to make good food choices, drink 6-8 bottles of water.