Thursday, April 30, 2009

Results for the month of April

Here are my results for the month of April. (4th - 30th)

My goal was to get down to 250 lbs.

Today i weigh in at: 256 lbs

I've lost a total of: - 4.2 lbs

My next goal is to weigh 240 lbs by June 2nd which means i need to lose - 16 lbs


I am pleased with my progress, I didn't reach my goal for the month but i lost 4.2 lbs this month by not doing much at all but making some small changes in my eating habits. I also want to add that I am on TOM. (time of the month) so hopefully when it ends I will be UNDER 256 lbs.

I didn't starve myself this month, I didnt kill myself exercising, but i still made progress, at least I did not gain. I am 4.2 lbs lighter than where I started at on April 4th. Best of all I am no longer in the 260's! Do i wish it was more? Of course I do, but I'm just glad i was able to lose and not gain.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

256.8 lbs

Okay so yesterday when I re-weighed myself without clothes on i was 256.8 lbs! Finally, under 257!
Im kind of upset that I keep binging at night. I think once I start the phentermine it will help supress my appetite at night which is what I really need help with at this point. I really think thats the reason why i havent lost more weight this month. I believe my total is 3.4 lbs. I cant wait to start. My new mini goal is to get down to 240 by June 2nd. (IDK if i already posted that but yea thats my goal.) I also decided that after 3 month on phentermine im going to stop taking it and try the HCG injections If I havent met my goal.
So yesterday I walked 1/2 mile around the track at my old High School. I must admit, i felt so out of shape. There were old people who were running, passing me by. lol. But im just proud that I was able to get up and do something active yesterday. Next wkend im going to try to do a mile. I never realized how big the track was lol. I also did 10 sit ups.

Todays goal:
drink more water.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

3rd Week Weigh In

258 lbs.

I gained 0.8 lbs this week.

This diet thing is really hard for me, Its never been this hard for me before. My appetite was never as strong as it is now. Theres not much I can say except I will try harder this week. I basically wasted an entire month. I only lost 2 lbs in April so far. My next weigh in is May 2nd which is exactly 1 month from my appt at the weight loss clinic. I want to get down to 240 by 6/2/09 so I will keep on pushing.

Theres not like I can blame anyone but myself for the weight gain the past two weeks, I've been eating a lot of the wrong things at the wrong times. But as previously stated, I will NOT give up. I will keep on blogging, through the good and the bad.. Hopefully things are better for me this week.

Friday, April 24, 2009

17 lbs by June 2nd

Damnit I just typed a long post and it got erased some how. What is the "Saving" function for if it dont even work? Lol That just ruined my day. Sike.

I've realized anytime i set a plan for myself i almost never stick to it. And i noticed a pattern, I tend to eat a lot in the evenings and at night, and its because I'm stuck in the house. I need to get out more and find a way to break this habbit.

Here are my goals for now until June 2nd:

No eating after 7:30 pm
Restrict as much as possible but still find foods that are filling
Try not to eat out of boredom.
Dont feel like I have to eat something just because its there.
Get a lot more exercise (try to walk around the track at least 1 1/2 mile (6 laps) at night or in the evening.
Get out of the house as much as possible (not spend as much time sitting on the couch on the computer)

I did a lot of calculations and figured out that i will be paying the weight loss clinic $190 a month.. (damn that is really a lot) So i need to find a job, or at least a steady income so that I am able to afford. it. The first visit is $110 and the 2 week follow up is $80. thats $190 per month. I hope that I lose as much on my own so that I dont have to rely on the clinic or the phentermine. If i do, it will get really pricey. So if I go for two months then take a break, it'll cost $380. I figured I would only take the meds for 2 months.. then take a break.. maybe a 3-4 week break... If i am still losing on my own then I will stay off the meds. If i start falling back into my old habits then I will get back on the meds after a month or so. Eventually i want to stop paying the clinic and start paying the gym. Thats my ultimate goal. I think when i reach 199 lbs i will stop going to the clinic. (If i can afford to go that long)

apple & cinnamon oatmeal - 110 cals
rice cake - 50 cals
smart ones - 440 cals

total: 600 cals

update: UGH! these cravings are really annoying me. I swear it feels like im hungry every 1-2 hours. Im trying to ignore these cravings until dinner (approx 6 pm) i think i'll chew a piece of gum or something. Im going to try to do some type of cardio today.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Stem Ross Weight Loss Center

So, I signed up. My appointment is June 2nd at 11:00 am. I was hoping I could get in sooner. Im kind of upset that it will take another month before I can start but oh well.. I have saved up $148. My first visit will cost $110, and after that approx $80 every two weeks. The good thing about it is that gives me enough time to find a job so that I dont have to continue to sell my food stamps (embarrassed about that).

I have been actively looking for a job, not only does that give me something to do all day, it keeps my mind off food. It also will put some money in my pocket which I so desparately need. I told myself I wouldnt give up on this diet so im going to stick to my word and try to do this on my own until my appt in June. When i spoke to the receptionist she asked me how much weight did I need to lose, I told her approximately 100 lbs BUT i would be happy if i could reach my goal of 190 by the end of the year. That would put me where i was in High School... :) Today, my goal is to drink more water, to have a rice cake as a snack, and soup or a Smart Ones for dinner.

Today i weigh 258 lbs. I will be soo happy when im not flucuating between 256-258 anymore.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I'm so sick of seeing that number on the scale.

900 calories

I've noticed something about my eating habits....I can go a while without eating, until a temptation food is placed right in front of me, then i lose all my will power, and binge!! then I dont stop, I look at it as "ive already ruined my day, why not ruin it more" and i continue to eat... Or if i am eating normally that day, as soon as I finish a meal, im still wanting to eat more. It gets harder and harder to turn down the food after I've after I've already began. Its depressing and Im determined thats the reason I cant get past this plateau I've hit. I also dont understand how the hell did I hit a plateau if I havent even lost a huge amount of weight? For the month of April i've lost a total of 3 freakin pounds. My goal is 9 days away and I dont think I'm going to reach it, which will just set me back 1 month. I cant afford to keep wasting time like this i really want to be 190 by the end of this year.

Last night i was reading up on phentermine and hcg injections and its so tempting for me to just sign up at a weight loss clinic and lose this weight the lazy way with a ton of medications. But i dont want to do it that way. I want to do it the healthy way with diet and exercise but I am so unmotivated. It is so frustrating for me, I dont want to lose hope but i feel like i'm headed down that path. I wish i still had my blog from when i was 14 and losing weight like crazy. I would refer back to it and follow my plans but I cant because they're gone. I know exactly how to lose weight but I never follow through with actually doing it and its probably because of the challenge. It actually takes effort and im a lazy person. I need to get past all these hurdles that im putting myself through, Its nobodys fault but my own. I really want to reach this goal by the end of the month. 250 lbs, that would be all i need to continue on in this journey. But no matter what I refuse to give up. I will finish this, even if it takes me longer than expected.

Im hoping to stick to 900 calories every day until the end of the month. Hopefully then I will reach my goal, or be very close to reaching my goal. So far today I've had 450 cals which means i've already consumed half of my days calories. I can use 450 on dinner... I went grocery shopping today and bought a ton of Campbells Select Harvest Light soups.. 60 calories per serving or less! I also bought some rice cakes (50 cals each) to snack on. I meant to pick up some sugar free jello (10 cals each) but i forgot to grab em. I also bought some pickles (5 cals each) and some non butter popcorn (35 cals per cup), chicken broth AND some lemons because I was considering doing the Master Cleanse for a few days (5 or less) but I realized the grade b syrup was $35. Wayy above my budget. I saw the laxative tea as well but couldn't really see putting myself though that. If i do try the MC it will more than likely be a modified version. With the foods I bought today theres no reason why i shouldnt be able to stay below 900 calories a day for the next 9 days.

Todays food:

Breakfast: apple & cinnamon rice cake - 50 calories
Lunch: turkey with light mayo on wheat, 2 pickles, water - 400 calories
Dinner: popcorn, western fries w/ cheese, ice cream (damnit!)

Monday, April 20, 2009

10 days left to reach my first goal

I have 10 days left to lose approximatly 7.2 lbs. :(

I dont know if this is cheating, but i was going to consider buying a cleanse from GNC... any suggestions?

Yesterday was a horrible food today. Today will be mucho mejor!

Breakfast: few spoons of Rasin Bran w/ 2 % milk.
Lunch: nothing
Dinner: 4 pieces of pizza [ i was so hungry because I didnt really eat anything all day, just a few spoons of rasin bran this morning, didn't even finish it]

i had a feeling i'd binge later and thats exactly what happened.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

2nd Weeks Weigh In

257.2 lbs.

I didnt meet my initial goal of 250, or maintain my weight of 255. im pissed but its my fault. I need to start making better food choices and start exercising more.

my will power just isnt as strong this time around. I didnt think it'd be that hard to lose 7 freakin lbs to get out of the 250s. :(

Thursday, April 16, 2009

up & down

My weight keeps fluctuating up and down. So fa the lowest number ive seen on the scale is 255.6 lbs. It hasnt gone lower than that. Today im back up to 257.8. I think im going to write out a specific meal plan, and stick to it for the next 3 days to see if i can get back to 255 or lower.

Meal plan:
Breakfast: grit or oatmeal or fruit salad, water
Lunch: fruit salad or carrot & celery & dip, or soup, water
Dinner: Sandwhich or Salad w/ chicken & dressing, water

Todays food:
Breakfast: bites of cinnamon roll, handful of chips, few spoons of multi-grain cheerios
Lunch: plan to have a turkey sandwhich on wheat
Dinner: plan to have a chicken salad.

I need to get some type of exercise in. I will see if Tay wants to take a walk with me around the park today, its pretty nice out.

Please continue to support me, this has been a hard week.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Potential Monthly Goals

Today while I was sitting in class I figured, if I can lose 10 lbs every month until December that would put me at 170 lbs. WOW. It sounds good and everything, BUT can I really do it? I don't know. but i guess it wont stop me from making a few goals.

I really want to lose 10 lbs a month. Thats only 2.5 lbs a week, every week, until the end of the year.. SOOOO:

by the end of april - 250
by the end of may - 240
by the end of june - 230
by the end of july - 220
by the end of august - 210
by the end of september -200
by the end of october -190
by the end of november - 180
by the end of december - 170

Now, im not really expecting to be perfect, losing 10 lbs every month so I decided if I can get to 190 by the end of the year (66 lbs in 8 1/2 months) i will be satisfied. (7.7 lbs a month, roughly 2 lbs a week). That doesnt count for this month. I still need to get down to 250 lbs (-6 lbs) by April 30th..

this will be HARD. Has anyone succeeded in losing 8-10 lbs a month, every month?

Pure Laziness

I think i've realized my problem, and why my weight loss has done a reverse on me this week....Its because I dont exercise. I am extremely lazy. I know theres no way i can lose 57 lbs (to get in the 100s) by just eating to lose weight. I need to get up and move around. AND i need to eat 3 meals a day. I thought by starving myself the other day I would surely get back to 255 but instead i shot up to 259, almost where I began!. By the end of the day i was back to 257... as of today i have no clue where I stand. But i will say that I ate Mcdonalds again yesterday, not much but still. I ate Panera Bread, Mcdonalds and a swiss roll. I did get some exercise though (Walking). Today i really want to go to the grocery store and buy some healthy options.

I could really use the support this week! Please help get me motivated to get back on track. If I can get back to 255 by Saturday (which will be a -0 ) i will be satisfied, as long as I dont gain.

My Goals This Week:
do SOME cardio
go grocery shopping
take and post pictures

Breakfast: none
Lunch: none
Dinner: panera bread sandwhich & chicken caesar salad w/ apple.

update: i weighed in at 256.6 lbs today.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Carnival Food

So yesterday me and Tay went to the carnival lol.... you probably already know where this one is going. We had a lot of fun, but in the midst of all the fun, i ate so many calories i didnt even want to calculate them. Yesterday I ate:

carrots & celery w/ dip
1 1/2 turkey bacon subs with mustard, tomato, lettuce, pickle
grilled chicken club meal (with french fries) from McDonalds with Coke
piece of a funnel cake
1/2 caramel apple w/ peanutes
nachos & cheese
4 swiss chocolate rolls.

and i now weigh 257.2 lbs. Today I am determined to get back on track so far i've had:

breakfast: small fruit salad
lunch: carrots & celery w/ dip
dinner: few bites of mac & cheese, green beans, ham. (realized this was bad and tossed it!, ate Campbell's Select Harvest Soup instead.. 50 CALORIES!!!)

I plan on having carrots w/ celery & dip for lunch, and dinner is still up in the air. Im really trying to get down to 256 by tomorrow and continue losing. the goal : burn more calories than I consume. Its time to kick this into high gear and I really need to start exercising!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

1st weeks Weigh-In!

Yesterdays Food:
Breakfast: salad and fruit
Lunch: few pieces of chicken tenders, 1 chicken wing
Dinner: carrots, few spoons of spaghetti, 2 bites of a nasty pastry.

Todays food:
Breakfast: Butter flavored instant Grits (100 cals)
Lunch: rasin bran w/ 2% milk

Yesterday I went to a family reunion at my Uncle Norman's house. :( R.I.P Timmy. It was good to see family again. I didnt eat too bad either, but today I plan to eat BETTER.

So for the results of the first week Weigh In....i'm at:

255.6 lbs!!

i lost 4.6 lbs this week! BMI - 43.8 (from 44.6)

I was hoping to get down to 254 by today but thats okay i still did great losing about 5 lbs total. Tomorrow im hoping to get down to 254, and by Saturday i want to be out of the 250's

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Yesterdays food: (4/8/09)
Breakfast: cookies n cream ice cream, 2 slices of pizza (this is where i messed up!)
Lunch/Dinner: chicken blt salad from Wendys, dr pepper, hot chocolate (not too bad, could have skipped on the dr pepper though)

Todays Food:
Breakfast: Oatmeal, water (130 cals)

I cannot believe I've lost 4 lbs so far this week!! Yesterday I went to Silhouettes and took a tour of the gym. It was pretty empty for the most part but there was a "Body Pump" class going on. I actually really like the gym in person. The only real issue that I have with it is the price. It costs a lot more than I thought it would. So i'm going to try the "Free Week" pass. and use it up to my advantage. Then I will probably have to just work out at school (where its free).

I've been doing a lot of walking lately (Around the mall, lol) which is great exercise. Today i'm going to the mall with Britt, we're going to find Camaya a new dress and me some dress shoes, today is my cousins funeral. Today my goal is to substitute 1 meal for a salad, and the other meal for a sandwhich (wheat bread, no mayo, lean meat, lots of veggies!) Tomorrow i want to get down to 255 lbs. If i can end the week out at 254 i will be amazed and ultimately satisfied!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My Goals for Today

1. walk around the mall
2. substitute lunch or dinner for a salad
3. watch portions!!

breakfast: rasin bran with 2% milk
lunch: chargrilled chicken sandwhich from chick fil a. tall caramel frappuchino from starbucks (my weakness)
dinner: going to have a crispy chicken BLT salad from Wendys

edit: at the doctors today i weighed in at 256! my home scale still says 258-259. The doctor really wants me to get more exercise and cut out all fast food for one month. She told me my bmi is 44 and she wants it at 25. I remember when my bmi was 30-31. :(

i think i ate well today, minus the caramel frap. but at least that was tall and not grande or vente.

Monday, April 6, 2009


So i lost two pounds! LOL, well, I probably stayed the same, because when i weighed last time i had on jeans lol.

Oh well, 258.2 lbs. Thats better than 260.2 which is where i was on Saturday.

To tell the truth, i've been eating pretty crappy. But at least, while im eating crappy, im watching the PORTIONS. I think how much you eat is just as important as what you eat.

So far today: a few spoonfuls of macaroni salad, some hot chocolate w/ whipped cream. I guess that counts as my breakfast. I've been craving Panera Bread for a few days now, hopefully later today I can stop past there and get my smoked turkey breast sandwhich w/ caesar salad.

Lunch: bowl of spanish rice w/ground beef, digorno pepperoni pizza, 3-4 snicker doodle cookies
Dinner: panera bread: turkey breast on country bread, side chicken caesar salad, apple w/ green tea.
snack: hot chocolate, 2 western fries.

edit 4/7/09: I really ate a lot yesterday, and didn't realize it! looking at it now i feel like i really over it did it.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

New Scale... I've been slipping.

Last night and today were not good. As previously posted, last night me and Tay went to Applebees where i proceeded to stuff my face like a starving homeless person. Today wasn't much better. I was out all morning doing a ton of shopping. I bought so many shirts which I will need to lose at least 15-20 lbs before i dare put them on. They are really snug, and look horrible as of now. Speaking of, I bought a new scale! its the Biggest Loser scale by Taylor. As of right now it reads....

260.2 lbs.

Not surprising, i figured i was between 250-260. Today i was supposed to go to Silhouettes for my first workout, but I didnt go because my workout partner backed out on me....

I decided that Saturday will be my weigh in day. every Saturday i will post my weight on here, and log my progress. Right now, my biggest problem is making better food choices. I've really been slippin.

Breakfast - McDonalds bacon, egg, cheese busicut, hashbrown, small coke
Lunch - 4 slices of pizza, grande caramel frappuchino.
Dinner -

i feel embarrassed logging that.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Food choices.

I finally found a good WW Foods List!! So far on day 3 i have had a pop tart for breakfast (2) not the greatest choice, but i will be walking around campus withen the next 1/2 hour so i am not trippin about it. I realize i need to make better food choices, which will be alot easier when im able to go grocery shopping on the 10th. I've been craving grapefruit w/ splenda. :)

Last night i ate fettichini and fries only because there was nothing else to eat last night @ tays and i was starving (from not eating breakfast). Today i will focus on making the best food choices I can, which kind of makes me feel like a hypocrite for not choosing to have oatmeal for breakfast when I could have. I will work on it throughout the day.

Breakfast: 2 pop tarts (400 calories)
Lunch: chef boyardee beefaroni (500 calories)
snack: 2 pop tarts (400 calories damn!)
Dinner: applebee's, way too much to post.

edit: my check is here! im going to sign up for Silloettes today! (or tomorrow morning)

even though todays food choices arent great, blogging them is helping me NOT overeat. Before i started this blog, i would have probably already consumed 2500 calories (if not more) at 2:00. today i have so far consumed 900 calories. I'm thinkin chicken caesar salad for dinner.

update: damn these pop tarts!!
update: wow, i went crazy @ applebee's but i wont beat myself up over it because tomorrow morning @ 11, me and Britt are going to Silhouettes for our first workout. I'm super excited for that.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Breakfast matters!

Today once again i forgot to eat Breakfast, and it really shows. It's 12:42pm and im hungry! I decided on left over spaghetti and meatballs w/ garlic bread for lunch. Not a ridiculous portion, and instead of drinking sweet tea, this time i'll have water. I'm satisfied with how yesterday went. Hopefully today will be another good day to look forward to. Today i intend to find a WW foods list that i can bookmark and keep track of my points.

Even though its only day 2, i can tell a major difference in the way i feel about this "diet" and others i've tried in the past. I dont feel intimidated this time. I'm eating the things i want to eat, but making healthier choices. Im not eating a large portion, and im not starving myself. I feel much better this time around.

Breakfast - none (i will work on it!)
Lunch - spaghetti w/ meatballs, 2 pieces of garlic toast, water.
snack- none
dinner- french fries w/ barbeque and fettechini alfredo =[

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Realization & Committment.

So the day has come where I finally make the committment to well, commit! I've spent a lot of time researching diets and trying to figure out the best way to approach this new change, when really its simple. Just to do it. I've been making excuses for the longest time as to why I cannot get up off my lazy butt and exercise. And i've been trying to convince myself its okay to eat thousands upon thousands of calories a day and expect not to blow up. I've been in DENIAL.

After searching google, and chatting with others I've decided theres a lot that needs to be accomplished. I have made a list of objectives I need to complete (which I will post soon). I love the idea of blogging this journey. It'll help me better track my progress, keep me focus and help motivate me to stay on point. Hopefully I meet some supportive people along the way who struggle just as I do. I'm determined to not make this just another weight loss blog that gets abandoned along the way. I WILL stick to this.

In the meantime, I will continue my research on which plan i will use, but I pretty much have already decided that I'll be doing Weight Watchers (unofficially, basically without the meetings & without the price). And I have a gym picked out which is not far from my house. The place is called Sillouettes, an all womens gym that offers curcuits, cardio, classes and a program called "Healthy Expections" which i will explain soon. In the meantime I am in search of some WW Food Points Lists, recipes, and other inspiring blogs.

Daily Intake:

Breakfast: nothing =\
Lunch: 1 1/2 cup of Rasin Bran, 1 cup of 2% milk
Snack: none
Dinner: spaghetti with meatballs, 2 pieces of garlic toast. iced tea.

exercise: walking uphill aound campus.

edit: i've realized that by skipping breakfast i was really hungry this afternoon. I will need to make sure i eat breakfast, lunch and dinner to avoid binging. I was tempted to go for 2nds at dinner, but i chose not to because I will not fail again. I will allow myself one more snack, but no more eating after 8:30 pm.